Friday, March 12, 2010

More Fabric Issues

I wrote this little message to my sister in-law on facebook and then realized that it wasn't so little, that really it was a blog post. So here it now is as a blog post.

"I have all of this gorgeous fabric that I have recently purchased just because I loved it and with out any real project in mind, except that I would do something for me/baby. The problem is that I can't decide what it is that they were meant to become. Just when I think I have it figured out, I wonder if that is it's true destiny. Yeah, I have issues.

Check out this fabric selection.

I actually had a purpose in mind for the first two (green and blue hexagons and the purple 'feeling groovy'). They will become a baby sling depending on if I have a boy or a girl, but I can't bring myself to make the slings yet, because I may want to use whatever fabric I don't need for some other fabulous project. I think that I have decided that the last two(brown with turquoise flowers and the cream and green flowers) I will have my sister-in-law make into peek-a-boobs. I love them both they would be more for me than the baby anyways. As for the others, again depending on if I have a boy or a girl they may be made into car seat covers or something. The brown with green flowers is likely to be made into a skirt for me after baby comes.

I had originally thought that I would just make one of each of everything and then either give away or sell the ones that I didn't need....but I don't think I can. I love this fabric to much, after all I picked out for me. It may just be destined to end up in my fabric stash."

(See Michelle, I told you I'd just cut and paste)


  1. Have you seen the POD Swaddler pattern? I've made 6 of them for gifts, and they are the best swaddling blanket in my opinion. (Completely unsolicited!) They are made with a combination of woven and knit fabrics. Some of that fabric would make a great swaddle blanket.

  2. mmmm, that yellow one is delish! Where did you pick them up? I would totally love to do up a breezy type top or something with it...or a dress(y) thing! I need more church clothes! :) See what you mean though, some really yummy fabrics there!


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